Thursday 3 July 2014

My very first post... Meet Noel the Gnome

So, I'm pretty new to this.  I did try and blog during my wedding planning, but everything got a bit crazy so I think in over a year there were only three posts...  I plan on this being updated a lot more regularly (hopefully once a week) so we'll see how it goes.  I've a lot of projects on the go (at least 14 knitting ones I can think of!) so each time I finish one I'll let you know; I'm sure I can manage one a week!

To start it off: I'm going to cheat a bit.  This is Noel the Gnome.

I made him in October last year with a free kit on a magazine, and though he looks finished I still need to add the bell on his hat...  This is what I mean about being terrible at finishing projects!  He knitted up quite quickly, in fact I made him in an afternoon whilst my husband was out playing hockey.  It was my first project not using standard plain wool - the eyelash yarn used was a bit awkward to start with!  It was only used for his beard though, and that was sewn on separately, so it wasn't too much of a chore.

Despite Noel being made as a Christmas decoration, he still sits on my bookcase.  I've gotten quite used to having him there, it would now seem odd if he was moved!

Anyway, I've now got to get on with work, so hopefully you like Noel and I'll post at the weekend about the baby hats I've been making this week...

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