Friday 1 August 2014

Definitely an owl!

So, slightly later than intended due to a work day out at the races, I thought I'd share my first crochet animal.  I think this was my second ever crochet project - the first was a bag which once I've finished properly (it still needs a button loop and button adding...) hopefully it will feature.

Anyway, back to this owl.  So here's the owl in full:

The colours may seem a little familiar - that's because it's made from the same magazine kit that Noel was. The main body of the owl was made in a spiral (so less sewing up to do!) started on a magic loop.  It was a little tricky to keep track of where one full round was, but this was nothing compared to the main challenge of this project: the eyelash yarn.  Just as it was a little tricky to knit with, it was worse with crochet!  The problem was the fluff kept obscuring the view of the stitches.  It helped a bit it was used alongside the normal green yarn, but still I don't think I'd recommend it unless you were confident at crochet (saying that though, I'm pretty much a beginner!  Does require a lot of patience though).

The wings were worked as two identical pieces, sewn together and placed either side.  I gave them a bit of a curve to make them look more like wings.  The eyes are crocheted circles with a black button in the middle, and the nose was embroidered on at the end.

All in all, he turned out to be quite cute!  He currently sits alongside Noel, though he does have a little seat in the form of a wooden pencil holder.

Anyway, that's all I have to say on the owl - the next post will be next Thursday, and I'll be talking about my latest long-term knitting project and sharing an owl related design as part of it.

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