So, as it seemed I was finally back on track with the blog (if you can count two posts a week apart being back on track!), life decided to get in the way again and this blog got neglected. Now, however, I am not working until July 2016 (setting my out of office was fun!) - more on why below. In addition to the below we moved house, and I have to say I'm never moving again. Though it was interesting to move all my craft supplies and put them in one place - turns out I have A LOT (though not "too much" as I'm sure my husband would say!). So anyway, the main reason the blog stopped was I was finding it particularly hard just to get through the day doing essential tasks whilst growing this:
And I know you're thinking, wow twins! But it's not, it's just two pictures of the same wiggly baby (a trend that has continued) that wouldn't stay still enough for the scan. Now baby is quite a lot bigger, and makes the wiggles felt a lot more, and so my knitting recently has naturally taken a baby focus! For those interested, as I write this I'm 37 weeks pregnant so baby's arrival is imminent - though I am on maternity leave so have more time (in theory) so I'm aiming to post every week or so, this will probably (read: definitely) go out the window once I have baby but bear with me! Bets so far seem to be for arrival around the upcoming bank holiday weekend, as then a number of family members are enjoying themselves on holidays abroad (not jealous, not at all...) but equally baby has been awkward all pregnancy and so will most likely defy everyone by being late.
Enough talk of baby, for now at least, so lets look at something non-baby related that I've made (there will be plenty of time for baby related posts!) Below is a project I knitted a while back, but have only recently sewn up (something of a theme with several projects). It was a free kit from a magazine, with brown DK wool for the face and ears and a bouncy yarn for the body which gives the fluffy effect.
It really didn't take long to knit up, but sewing up the bouncy bit was tricky and I resorted to invisible thread rather than wool. Looking back at the face, the sheep seems somewhat perturbed, but never mind.
That's probably enough waffling for now, unless baby has other ideas I'll post again next week - I've been working on a really cute set for baby. Until then, have fun!